What does mom REALLY want?
May 9, 2024, 6:54 AM | Updated: May 13, 2024, 11:26 am
What Moms Want For Mother’s Day … According to a survey by Lending Tree
a card 36%
quality time together 32%
flowers 29%
a special meal 25%
something sentimental 15%
jewelry 15%
Me Time 14%
clothing 9%
wine 8%
beauty products 7%
Don’t Disappoint
A survey by the analytics company SOASTA reveals that 40% of moms have been disappointed on Mother’s Day. Other findings:
– 50% of moms would buy themselves a gift if they were disappointed on Mother’s Day
– 12% of moms say problems with gifts has caused them to be disappointed with Mother’s Day
– 5% of moms have purchased their own Mother’s Day gift
– 5% of moms can tell if their Mother’s Day gift was purchased at the last minute
– 10% of moms have had to do housework on Mother’s Day
– 9% of women have had a partner, who only cared about their own mom and not them
– 5% of moms have had a Mother’s Day ruined by a family fight