Colorado Starbucks unveil new beverages for Valentine’s Day.

By Murphy Huston on February 2, 2024
Photo: courtesy Starbucks

Colorado Starbucks unveil new beverages for Valentine’s Day.

Valentines day is not that far away and if you are looking for something different for that special someone, check out Starbucks. Starting Thursday their special Valentines day beverages will be available.  The Chocolate-covered strawberry creme Frappuccino which the coffee company says is “a take on the beloved Valentine’s Day dessert, with swirls of happiness and rich java chips, this blended beverage will delight customers who enjoy cold beverages in the wintertime,”

and a Chocolate Hazelnut Cookie Cold Brew which they describe as “a new cold drink to adore, made with Starbucks® Cold Brew, sweetened with hazelnut syrup and topped with silky chocolate cream cold foam and chocolate cookie crumble topping.”

Both sound scrumptious to us. 

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