Last month, LEONARDO DICAPRIO and some other activists launched an environmental organization called Earth Alliance. And yesterday, he announced they’re putting up $5 million to help combat the wildfires that have been burning up […]
Every year, “Forbes“ puts out a list of the world’s highest paid comedians, and JERRY SEINFELD has been #1 in 12 of the past 13 years, with the exception of 2016 when KEVIN HART took it […]
And here it is: The musical collaboration you and the rest of the universe has been waiting for since the beginning of time . . . It’s DAVID HASSELHOFF and . . […]
Let’s be honest: You were already more than prepared to pay $6.99 a month for Disney+. So was I. They had us. There was virtually no incentive for Disney to […]
If you’ve been thinking forever that you should start meditating to try to relax, don’t worry about it. Just knock out a few rounds of “Fortnite” or “Fruit Ninja” and it’s basically the same […]
Disney is absolutely OWNING the box office this year, and the numbers are staggering. Disney’s worldwide box-office total for 2019 is already at a record $7.67 billion, more than any other movie […]
It’s July 24th, so you know what that means: PUMPKIN SPICE SEASON. Congrats to Kit Kat for breaking the seal and unveiling the first pumpkin spice product of the season. […]
77-year-old PAUL MCCARTNEY just finished a tour, and apparently, he’s not just going to kick up his heels and relax. He’s writing his first STAGE MUSICAL. It’s an adaptation of “It’s a Wonderful Life”, which […]
Would you retire OVERSEAS to save money? The magazine “International Living” looked at a bunch of tourist destinations where you can live comfortably on less than $30,000 a year. Here are five […]
It’s July 17th, so you know what that means: Halloween! Believe it or not, you can already order your Halloween stuff from Target. And it’s not just last year’s stuff that they’ve […]
Netflix says that 40.7 million people have watched at least some of “Stranger Things 3” between its premiere on July 4th and Sunday. No other Netflix show has amassed that kind of viewership in […]
If the answer to losing a little weight is to stop exercising and start drinking more coffee . . . yeah, I’m here for that. According to a new study […]
You’re not going to believe this, but if you had a SIX-DAY WEEKEND, your life would be pretty sweet. A new study out of England found that working just one […]
A new survey looked at the most common practical skills we’ve learned from our dad. Here are five of them. . . How to cook dinner or grill meat. 29% […]
Vacations to outer space have finally arrived. As long as you’re really, really RICH. NASA just announced that it’s going to open up the International Space Station to TOURISTS. Until […]
For all the years that BOB ROSS taught us to paint happy trees, he never truly got the respect he deserved. Until now. His work is FINALLY getting shown in a museum, for […]
One of the most interesting creative choices in “Avengers: Endgame” was to make Thor a fat, sloppy recluse. Chris Hemsworth even had a nickname for him: “Lebowski Thor”. The original plan was for […]
As long as there are teenagers, there will be high school movies. And a website called The Ringer put together a list of the 25 Best High School Movies. Here’s the Top 10: […]
A writer named James Datorshared a very cool story about Keanu Reeves, who he met when he was 16 and working at a movie theater. James says he was shocked to see […]
The tough thing about spoilers is there’s no rule or time limit in place. Can you talk about “Game of Thrones”now that it’s been over 24 hours? Or is it still […]
It seems like all the Internet wanted to talk about yesterday was how someone left a COFFEE CUP on a table on the set of “Game of Thrones”, and it actually made its […]