Spend The Night In Spice Girls’ Bus
May 16, 2019, 11:26 AM

The Spice Girls ruled the late 90’s and have recently announced a new tour (minus Posh) that I know everyone is excited about. To take that excitement to the next level Air BNB is offering you a chance to stay in the Spice Girls Bus that was used in the movie Spice World or as fans call it, Spice Bus.
You and 2 guests will be able to stay in it on June 14 & 15 for $129/night. As of right now they have only released those dates as available dates but I’m sure we will see many more in the future. You can try and reserve that spot on May 22nd at 2am EST.
The bus has been completely renovated and has some really cool features in it. Like the giant GIRL POWER neon sign that is stretched across the inside wall. You can see pictures and try and reserve your date HERE.
And just because you’re thinking about it now, here is the song Spice Up Your Life from the movie.