Public transportation could be coming to Red Rocks!

Mar 20, 2024, 5:42 PM

(Photo by Kathie's friend, Tom Cooper/Getty Images for SeriesFest)...

(Photo by Kathie's friend, Tom Cooper/Getty Images for SeriesFest)

(Photo by Kathie's friend, Tom Cooper/Getty Images for SeriesFest)

Public transportation could be coming to Red Rocks Amphitheater! Some would say, “What took this so long?”

Darrell Watson, Denver City council member for District 9, and officials in Jefferson County want to have RTD extend their route and go all the way to Morrison.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of people visit Red Rocks for concerts, event or just daily hikes…having transportation to help people get their will reduce traffic congestion and improve the time it takes to get in and out of Red Rocks.

Currently concertgoers, for example are limited on how to get in and out of the venue. You can drive your own vehicle, car pool or some sort of ride share.

One of the concerns is having RTD run late enough to get concertgoers after the concert ends.

Read more about the lawmakers decision here.

and here: https://kdvr.com/news/local/should-there-be-public-transportation-to-red-rocks/

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